DISQLite3 implements a self-contained, embeddable, zero-configuration SQL database engine for Delphi (Embarcadero / CodeGear / Borland).
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An updated version of this project is distributed with the DISQLite3 package.
{ This DISQLite3 example demonstrates different methods to save and load TStream data to and from database BLOBs. The advantages of the different methods described. Visit the DISQLite3 Internet site for latest information and updates: https://www.yunqa.de/delphi/ Copyright (c) 2005-2017 Ralf Junker, The Delphi Inspiration <delphi@yunqa.de> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ } program DISQLite3_Blob_and_Streams; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$I DI.inc} {$I DISQLite3.inc} uses SysUtils, Classes, DISQLite3Api, DISQLite3Database; var DB: TDISQLite3Database; { Use the "traditional" method to write the BLOB's contents to a new database row. This method binds BLOBs to a prepared statement, just like with integers and strings. It allows to bind multiple BLOBs alongside with other field types in the same INSERT or UPDATE statement, which can be both convenient and fast. The "traditional" method requires all BLOB data in a contiguous block of memory. This is no problem with small streams and files, but can stress the system for huge data loads. It should therefore be used with caution if the size of the BLOBs is unknown. } function Write_Stream_to_Blob_Traditional(const AStream: TStream): Int64; var l: Integer; p: Pointer; Stmt: TDISQLite3Statement; begin Stmt := DB.Prepare('INSERT INTO Blobs (b) VALUES (?)'); try { Optimize memory useage for TCustomMemoryStream. } if AStream is TCustomMemoryStream then begin { If AStream descends from TCustomMemoryStream, we can bind the stream's memory directly. Also let the DISQLite3 engine know that the memory is static and does not change during the runtime of this function. } with AStream as TCustomMemoryStream do Stmt.Bind_Blob(1, Memory, Size, SQLITE_STATIC); end else begin { If AStream does not descend from TCustomMemoryStream, we need to read its data into memory first. } l := AStream.Size; GetMem(p, l); AStream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); AStream.Read(p^, l); { Bind the in-memory data. The sqlite3_Destroy_Mem parameter tells DISQLite3 to free the memory as soon as the database engine is done with it. } Stmt.Bind_Blob(1, p, l, sqlite3_Destroy_Mem); end; Stmt.Step; Result := DB.LastInsertRowID; finally Stmt.Free; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {$IFNDEF SQLITE_OMIT_INCRBLOB} { The "incremental" method can handle BLOBs and files of any size because it transfers them in small chunks at a time only. It is the preferred method for BLOBs of unknown or very large size, and works equally well with small BLOBs. The "incremental" method can only handle on a single BLOB at a time, which makes it a little less flexible to work with. The "incremental" method is not available in DISQLite3 Personal. } function Write_Stream_to_Blob_Incremental(const AStream: TStream): Int64; var BlobStream: TDISQLite3IncrBlobStream; Stmt: TDISQLite3Statement; begin { First create a prepared statement, bind a ZeroBlob, and call Step to insert it. A ZeroBlob is an "empty" BLOB of a particular size which is not yet filled with data. We need to insert it here as a plcaholder into which we can incrementally write the stream data in step two below. } Stmt := DB.Prepare('INSERT INTO Blobs (b) VALUES (?)'); try Stmt.Bind_ZeroBlob(1, AStream.Size); Stmt.Step; Result := DB.LastInsertRowID; finally Stmt.Free; end; { Create an incremental BLOB stream and write the stream data to it. The CopyFrom method does the main work. } BlobStream := TDISQLite3IncrBlobStream.Create( DB, // The database connection. 'main', // Database which contains the BLOB table. 'Blobs', // BLOB table. 'b', // BLOB column. Result, // RowID 1); // 1 = Read and Write access, 0 = Read only. try BlobStream.CopyFrom(AStream, 0); finally BlobStream.Free; end; end; {$ENDIF SQLITE_OMIT_INCRBLOB} //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ { Read a BLOB back to a stream using the "traditional" method. See the comments on Write_Stream_to_Blob_Traditional for a discussion of its when to use it. } procedure Read_Stream_from_Blob_Traditional( const AStream: TStream; const ARowID: Int64); var Stmt: TDISQLite3Statement; begin { Create a prepared statement, step into the first result row, and write the column's BLOB data to the stream. } Stmt := DB.Prepare('SELECT b FROM Blobs WHERE RowID = ?'); try Stmt.Bind_Int64(1, ARowID); if Stmt.Step = SQLITE_ROW then AStream.Write(Stmt.column_blob(0)^, Stmt.Column_Bytes(0)); finally Stmt.Free; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {$IFNDEF SQLITE_OMIT_INCRBLOB} { Read a BLOB back to a stream using the "incremental" method. See the comments on Write_Stream_to_Blob_Incremental for a discussion of its advantages. } procedure Read_Stream_from_Blob_Incremental( const AStream: TStream; const ARowID: Int64); var BlobStream: TDISQLite3IncrBlobStream; begin { Instead of a prepared statement, directly create the BLOB stream and call the dest stream's CopyFrom method to read the BLOB data. } BlobStream := TDISQLite3IncrBlobStream.Create( DB, // The database connection. 'main', // Database which contains the BLOB table. 'Blobs', // BLOB table. 'b', // BLOB column. ARowID, // RowID 0); // 1 = Read and Write access, 0 = Read only. try AStream.CopyFrom(BlobStream, 0); finally BlobStream.Free; end; end; {$ENDIF SQLITE_OMIT_INCRBLOB} //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const DATABASE_NAME = 'BLOBs.db3'; var Stream: TStream; ID_Traditional{$IFNDEF SQLITE_OMIT_INCRBLOB}, ID_Incremental{$ENDIF}: Int64; begin try DB := TDISQLite3Database.Create(nil); try { Create a new, empty database and a table with a simple BLOB field. } DB.DatabaseName := DATABASE_NAME; DB.CreateDatabase; DB.Execute('CREATE TABLE Blobs(i INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, b BLOB)'); //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Insert TStream into a database BLOB. //------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stream := TFileStream.Create(ParamStr(0), fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite); try { Add the same stream twice, using both the traditional and the new incremental method to write BLOBs. Even though the methods are different, the BLOBs written are same and can be read back using either of the two methods. } ID_Traditional := Write_Stream_to_Blob_Traditional(Stream); {$IFNDEF SQLITE_OMIT_INCRBLOB} { The "incremental" method is not available in DISQLite3 Personal. } ID_Incremental := Write_Stream_to_Blob_Incremental(Stream); {$ENDIF SQLITE_OMIT_INCRBLOB} finally Stream.Free; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Extract BLOBs to a TStream. //------------------------------------------------------------------------ { To demonstrate that the two BLOB methods can be used interchangingly, we read the data back with the other method than the one used for writing. } Stream := TFileStream.Create( ExtractFileName(ParamStr(0)) + '_trad' + ExtractFileExt(ParamStr(0)), fmCreate); try Read_Stream_from_Blob_Traditional(Stream, {$IFNDEF SQLITE_OMIT_INCRBLOB} ID_Incremental {$ELSE SQLITE_OMIT_INCRBLOB} ID_Traditional {$ENDIF SQLITE_OMIT_INCRBLOB}); finally Stream.Free; end; {$IFNDEF SQLITE_OMIT_INCRBLOB} { The "incremental" method is not available in DISQLite3 Personal. } Stream := TFileStream.Create( ExtractFileName(ParamStr(0)) + '_incr' + ExtractFileExt(ParamStr(0)), fmCreate); try Read_Stream_from_Blob_Incremental(Stream, ID_Traditional); finally Stream.Free; end; {$ENDIF SQLITE_OMIT_INCRBLOB} finally DB.Free; end; WriteLn; WriteLn('Done - Press ENTER to Exit'); ReadLn; except on e: Exception do begin WriteLn(e.Message); ReadLn; end; end; end.