Yunqa • The Delphi Inspiration

Delphi Components and Applications

User Tools

Site Tools


License / Donate

Some components and applications offered on this site require a license for usage. Licenses may be bought by following the links in the table below. Your license contributes to the ongoing development of your products. Thank you!

Dear Customer,

We regret to inform you that online purchases of Yunqa products are currently interrupted due to the fact that Digital River, the e-commerce platform that powered MyCommerce, has entered insolvency and closed its services.

Until we implement an alternative e-commerce solution, we are offering purchases through bank transfers only. To streamline this process, we provide email links below that allow you to easily request a PDF invoice containing our banking details.

To purchase a product:

  • Click one of the “Request Invoice!” buttons below to open a new email template.
  • Fill out the fields with your product selection, name and physical address details.
  • To renew an old license, mark the respective checkbox.
  • Please note: If you are within the European Union, a 19% VAT will be applied.

We understand this situation is not ideal, and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. Your patience and understanding during this unexpected transition are greatly appreciated. Thank you for your continued support of Yunqa products!


If you use one of the following components you must have a license. When working in a team, each developers needs a license. This holds true for both commercial and freeware software projects. Except for evaluation, a license is required at all stages of the software life cycle. This includes development, deployment, and maintenance. The full license text is included in the product documentation.

Component Commercial Price,
Source Code Price
DIContainers DIContainers 50 Euro without,
100 Euro with sources
Request Invoice!
DIFileFinder DIFileFinder 30 Euro without,
60 Euro with sources
Request Invoice!
DIHtmlParser DIHtmlParser 50 Euro without,
100 Euro with sources
Request Invoice!
DIRegEx DIRegEx 40 Euro without,
80 Euro with sources
Request Invoice!
DISQLite3 DISQLite3 150 Euro without,
300 Euro with sources
Request Invoice!
DITidy DITidy 90 Euro without,
180 Euro with sources
Request Invoice!
DIUnicode DIUnicode 40 Euro without,
80 Euro with sources
Request Invoice!
DIXml DIXml 100 Euro without,
199 Euro.99 with sources
Request Invoice!
YuBrotli YuBrotli Free without sources,
Euro100 with sources
Request Invoice!
YuImage YuImage Free without sources,
199 Euro.99 with sources
Request Invoice!
YuNetSurf YuNetSurf 124 Euro.99 without,
250 Euro with sources
Request Invoice!
YuOpenSSL YuOpenSSL 150 Euro without,
300 Euro with sources
Request Invoice!
YuPcre2 YuPcre2 50 Euro without,
100 Euro with sources
Request Invoice!
YuPdf YuPdf 50 Euro without,
100 Euro with sources
Request Invoice!
YuStemmer YuStemmer 20 Euro without,
40 Euro with sources
Request Invoice!
YuZip YuZip 75 Euro without,
150 Euro with sources
Request Invoice!

Licensees will receive e-mail notifications as new versions of their components become available. Updates will be free of charge for one year after the date of purchase. After that year, customers may renew their license for a discounted update fee. To make sure that you will not miss out on important update information, ensure that your registration e-mail address stays functional or inform me of any changes.


These applications ask for a small donation or require a license if you use them commercially:

Type Purpose
SQLiteSpy SQLiteSpy Donation or
Commercial Use License
Request Invoice
WikiTaxi WikiTaxi Donation or
Commercial Use License
Request Invoice
license_donate.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/31 19:36 by